Kirsten Dunst in Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette |
So for awhile now, probably since I went back to a more natural blonde/"brond" colour of hair, I have been digging a somewhat more minimalist look. I don't find I need as much makeup, or as much eye makeup anyways than I did when I was super blond there for a bit. Also I have been really trying to go easier on my hair to grow it out so I have been working my my natural curl and using a lot of no-heat curl methods like the Japanese (Asian? does anyone know, seriously) foam rollers that I mentioned in my
hair post. So I have been crushing on some historical-ish hair looks to pin my curly hair fantastically around my head, and basically I fantasize about something that looks like Marie Antoinette would have worn at Hameau de la Reine, her model farm (look it up, its awesome) or if she would have lived in 1975. Still completely glam, but in a casual way, if that's possible.