Saturday, 16 November 2013

How to: Survive a Hangover

Everyone has been there

So you had a rough week, so you wanted to blow off some steam then the next day you have an even rougher morning. And now you have to go to work. In a beauty department.

In a perfect world, this never would have happened because you are a responsible adult. And since you are a beauty person, you would have known the harsh effects that alcohol has on your circulation causing wrinkles, roughness and dehydration and you wouldn't drink at all. In fact you would have instead gone to bed early after removing your makeup, eating organic sprouts after having a rousing spin class at the gym. ...Riiiight.

Monday, 21 October 2013

How to: Bangin' Brows

Very pretty girl with great brows
Again, perfect features do not come with fixing of brows (but darn close maybe)

So seriously. What is up with the internet?
My computer had an unfortunate blue screen-related melt down, which was fun (not) so I have been on hiatus yet again. Plus, you know, grad school in New York; no big.
But seriously though, have you seen the brows lately? Has everyone gone crazy?

Saturday, 31 August 2013

How to: Use Sunless Tanner

#stripes #glow #retro #hair #makeup #contour #tan #Body #Bikini #Summer #Sun #Beach #Inspiration #Ideas #Bbloggers
*Body does not come with application of fake tan

Tis' the season for the fake tan. After my Serena post, I realized I wanted to go full out and do the tan that goes with. Done and done. Plus it has the added bonus of covering up most the cuts, bruises, mosquito bites (who da thunk there would even be bugs on Manhattan?) and other signs of a summer well lived. So I thought I would explain how to do a good one, so it looks like you froliced in the summer summer as well, even though hopefully you tried to stay out of it, or enveloped in a cloud of SPF.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Looks I am Loving: Serena van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl

The first and most iconic outfit: Serena getting off the train at Grand Central Station looking like the well-traveled, well-heeled teen she is. The Louis Vuitton luggage, the Breton striped tee and the jaunty scarf scream, "I've been to Europe and back more times than you can count."'Gossip Girl' Series Finale: A Look Back At The Fashion From All 6 Seasons (PHOTOS).
Spotted: Serena getting off the train at Grand Central
I decided to do this Gossip Girl post because I have been re-watching the entire series as prep for New York. Yes, I admit it is totally unrealistic, soap opera-ish, and ultra glam prep but sue me. This post is a little late in the game but I still really want to look like Blake Lively, aka Serena van der Woodsen circa 2008. This being not nearly as cool as doing a re-creation of a look from some obscure cult classic from the 80's or a classic hollywood film I realize, but it is my blog and I will blog about what I want! I still want to live out my Gossip Girl fantasies in New York, unrealistic as they may be, gallivanting on the Upper East side (which turns out is kind of boring really, who'da thunk).

Sunday, 11 August 2013

How to: Survive Summer in New York (or any hot, humid place for that matter)

Pretty girl @Rick- Cawthard
I want to look this hot in NYC... mostly I am trying to avoid sweating to death

So I have been on hiatus again... for good reason! I have been in NYC for the past five weeks attending a pre-course for grad school. And I am going to be moving there! which is incredibly exciting, Of course I go during a heat wave, at a time of year known for being unpleasant in New York and no Hamptons or whatever to escape to. And I wasn't just gallivanting around, I had to actually, like impress people and stuff. Attempting to make a good impression while drowning in your own sweat is not an easy feat. Keeping my skin nice, and not sunburnt was top priority because pretty much everything got sweated off. So here are the few things that actually worked (which were not many) in the extreme heat and humidity of the New York summer.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Looks I am Loving: Orange Lips!

J Crew Sprig 2013
Double colour! but pretty no?
When summer comes.... I am lazy. Hot weather to me equals less makeup and more time spent outside walking, bike riding, sitting on patios... mostly sitting on patios; enjoying what little summer we get in Canada. And I want to look cute but not wear a ton of makeup that is going to slide off my face. Or affect my sunscreen reapplication. So giant smoky eye is out of the question. But deep red lips? in the middle of summer? no I want cheer, bright happy, sunny! That's where orange come is. I love orange, its like pink's older, punker, neglected sister. I don't want to look like a Barbie all the time, I want to look cool and fashion-y. What's more fashion-y I ask you then a funky lip colour, a bareface and some big "sunnies"? Nothing. Nothing I say! So here is three levels of orange intensity from dip your toe, to full on.

Friday, 24 May 2013

How to: Giant Lashes (Without Falsies!)

Obviously these are fake.
So I have been on a serious blog hiatus I know. In between final projects, applying for grad school, friends and working at my actual makeup job, blogging went on the back burner. But not dead! We are back!

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Tips for Dealing with Sensitive (Problematic) Skin

So unfortunately I am a lot of skin sensitivity issues that I deal with on a regular basis. And the dryness/harshness of the seemingly never-ending  Canadian winter only further irritates it. I have found, after years of practice and trial and error that dealing with it requires some avoidance and some extra special care. Sometimes it just sucks and you have to deal. So here are my tips for keeping your extra sensitive skin from hatin' on you.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

How to: Make Makeup Last (for Long Days)

How to: Make Makeup Last (for Long Days)
Jean Paul Gautier SS 2013
I am sorry I haven't blogged for awhile, life has gotten very busy. I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. The beauty people (the lucky shomos they are) complain about being so busy during fashion week but what about the rest of us that have to make it through real life long days where we want to be fabulous? I had makeup on my face for over 15 hours everyday this weekend. It has to stay put. Obviously no makeup can stay perfect that long (we don't expect miracles) but hopefully we still look pretty descent. So these are my tips for making it last.

Monday, 25 February 2013

Looks I am Loving: Oscars 2013!

The Oscars (just imagine Oprah saying it)

So I know the whole internet is talking about the Oscars, but I just did a short bit about my favourites. Bear in mind I am talking about the makeup! I am not rating in any way the fashion because we don't have all night. And most of the makeup I liked came with the dresses I hated so that's an issue. I am not going to dis anyone either because I am trying to keep it positive and we have the entirety of Twitter and Perez Hilton for that. My favourites in no particular order:

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

How to: Apply Foundation

Foundation, faking flawless skin (plus some photoshop I am sure)

So as a continuation from yesterday’s How to: Choose a Foundation post, I thought it would be important to explain how to apply it. You can customize the coverage of the foundation depending on the tool, from ultra glam perfection to naturally perfect. It also depends on your laziness level. So let me explain.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

How to: Choose a Foundation

Swatch foundation more towards the jaw line, obviously neither colour is close

Foundation is one of the most difficult things to get right and one of the products we use the most and are the most loyal to. It is difficult to get right because not only does it have to perfectly match the skin (yes I said perfectly) it also has to work with the individuals skin type and lifestyle. And when the three pieces fall together? Perfection.

Monday, 18 February 2013

How to: Wash Your Face! 6 ways!

You need to wash your face!
So I feel like this is another forgotten category of skincare. Most people think I they can use whatever as long as their skin gets clean. Not true. I have even had people tell me they wash their faces with head and shoulders!  No wonder your face hates you (hint, it’s not your quality moisturiser. Washing your face gets all the pollution and dirt off your skin that can be aging and cause uneven skin. Think of proper cleansing as prepping the skin for all the great products you are going to put on after like your pricey serums and moisturisers.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

The Acid Difference: Glycolic vs. Salicylic

Cleopatra-Elizabeth-Taylor-20th-Cent-Fox-1963sm-1.jpg (266×396)
Supposedly Cleopatra bathed in milk which naturally contains lactic acid, a form of AHA.How many want to bet Elizabeth Taylor at least tried it?

So sorry I have been on a couple day hiatus guys, sometimes you just get blogged out and sticking to my own self imposed schedule was wearing on me. I am still figuring this all out and how I want to write this thing. So I have noticed that people seem to find the more technical blogs helpful so today is another that seem to be a topic a lot of people are confused with; the difference between glycolic and salicylic acid, a topic suggested by my good friend Amaira.

How to: Apply Blush

Blush lips and lids to match at Anna Sui    #beauty #makeup #hair #pincurls #annasui #blush #redlips
Anna Sui Spring 2012

I saved the best for the last, after bronzer and highlighter, because I think blush is my favourite cosmetic product ever and I wanted to do it justice. To me, it looks good on everyone and makes everyone look better; more alert, healthier. Isn't that what makeup is in theory supposed to do anyway  make us look like a better version of ourselves?

Monday, 11 February 2013

Looks I am Loving: Coloured Eye Shadow SS 2013

Turquoise and yellow eyeshadow  Peter Som - Spring 2013 beauty
Peter Som Spring 2013

So I feel like I have been talking about a lot of heavy stuff lately, and I still am getting a feel of what you guys do and don’t like so I thought I would talk about something fun and leave all the talk of moisturising  and exfoliating behind for a minute and talk about stuff that give us instant satisfaction- Pretty, sparkly eye shadow. I somewhat talked about spring being about natural face + bold something with my last looks I am loving post about the Jessa look. Looking at more pictures from SS 2013 I have discovered another thing I love; the amazing natural face + coloured shadow. Again super simple and you could actually walk down the street without feeling super weird. It has surpassed its junior high school roots and in this other picture from Peter Som, looks down right edgy:

Friday, 8 February 2013

Vain reasons to keep your (Healthy) New Year’s Resolutions

You can eat your antioxidants or put them on your face.
So this time of year seems to be when everyone’s New Year’s resolutions start faltering. As a rule, I try and not make resolutions but the fever is all around me to try and be healthy. So I am going to list a bunch of totally vain reasons to keep your get healthy resolutions. And I am not talking about the I am going to be a size two so I am living on nothing but cayenne pepper for the next year weight loss “health” resolutions. I am talking about the kind of healthy that comes from doing everything your mother told you to do like eat your fruits and veggies, sleep and exercise kind of healthy. The hard, boring kind, in other words, that is really hard to maintain while partying down. So here are the reasons to keep (or make) your healthy resolutions:

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Why Mask-ing is awesome

How-To-Make-a-Kiwi-Face-Mask-5.jpg (400×300)
Doing the Mask

Today is going to be a quicky since I feel kind of yucky because of my epic trial of hot yoga (never again) and both my face and body are dehydrated. Because of this I am going to sit on my computer in my hydration mask and tell you about facial masks!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

How to: Apply Bronzer

lol bronzer/ tanning junkies

So Pretty! Diggin' the hair

So this time of year people seem to be sick of winter and want spring to come, even to their makeup. The Spring/Summer shows have come and we are seeing all the new things to come, the groundhog didn't see his shadow, so why isn’t it spring already? Well the first thing people seem to want to revive their wintry complexions with a bit of summer “colour”. Personally, I would like people to revive with good skincare (Maybe a little mask-ing) rather than a tan if you have read my stance on sunscreen you will know why. When apply properly, bronzer can give the bit of glow you want without compromising your skin.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

How to: Look Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed Part 2

Bright: Eyes
Note the highlighting in the inner corners, the dark liner, defined lashes, and filled in brows

So my Post How to: Look Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed has been quite popular. Later, I was thinking about all the tips I didn't give, mostly pertaining to makeup to make a person look more alert than they actually are. I am not a morning person, so anything that makes me look like I am actually awake is a good thing. So here are a few more tips for your morning bleary eyed makeup routine.

Monday, 4 February 2013

How to: Tight-line your Eyeliner

Dolce & Gabbana Spring/Summer 2013 show makeup look
Dolce & Gabbana Spring/Summer 2013 show makeup look

So Tight-lining is magic. I kind of forgot how awesome it was, but a good friend of mine at Bobby Brown reminded me of its power to produce awesome natural looking makeup. I give natural looking makeup some flack some times for being boring, but done well it makes a woman look so good! Tight-lining is the process of lining the inner rims of the eyes to get rid of the gaps and make the lash line look thicker.

Friday, 1 February 2013

How to: Care for Your Winter Bod

Don't we all walk around like Ivana here?

So as much time as everyone spends talking about skin care, most of the time people forget to mention the other 90% of the skin- your body! As a person who has suffered with eczema, and other itchy skin conditions I have a deep respect for my body skin. I think Canadians especially don’t talk about it because a) it isn’t nearly as fun about talking about makeup or latest fabulous cure all and b) because we have the advantage of being curled up in sweaters 90% of the year. But don’t ignore it! Pamper yourself a little and you will be rewarded with not having to worry about prepping your skin for a beauty emergency.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

All About Eye Primer: the Eye Makeup Saviour

Dior's sparkling spring/summer 2013 eyes
Dior Spring/Summer 2013- Totally everyday makeup right? 
So yesterday’s eye post has gone pretty viral so today I thought I would continue on the topic a bit and write a quick blog about eye primers. I saw some of the spring/summer looks on beauty editor and most of them seem to involve copious amounts of eye makeup. Eye primer keeps complex eye looks lasting for more than ten seconds. I foresee that if you are going to be rocking eye makeup into the spring and the summer, you are going to need to use an eye primer.

How to: Look Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

Bright Eyes
Bright Eyed!
So this is my blog in devotion to eye care. Eyes being the windows to the soul and all, it is important to look after them. They are also the first thing to show signs of aging. Also the first thing to show when you are looking as sub-par as I currently do getting over a winter cold. So here are my tips to make it look like you have actually slept and looked after yourself (not that it is any substitution for that right?)

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

How to: Dewy Makeup (Even in the Dead of Winter)

More Louis Vuitton Spring 2012, love the dewy skin, heavy lash and glossy lip.
Louis Vuitton Spring 2012

So it’s January still. I hate January. Just saying. It is dark, cold, you are back to “healthy eating” and to top it off it wreaks havoc on your skin. So here are my tips for looking glowy and dewy in January, like Christmas actually refreshed you (not!).

Monday, 28 January 2013

How to: Apply Highlighter

Anja Rubik as Hermes by Karl Lagerfeld for Pirelli.  Skin and highlighting
Anja Rubik as Hermes by Karl Lagerfeld for Pirelli- beautiful highlighting!
So mildly tricky, highlighter when done right can be fantastic. I prefer to highlight over contouring because it is a lot less tricky. Contouring should only be performed by professionals ie. Makeup artists- in my humble opinion. Or be forever asked (mostly by men) why you have brown stripes on your face. Highlighting allows you to subtly bring out your bone structure without looking strange.

Friday, 25 January 2013

How to: Choose a Moisturizer- An Ingredients Breakdown

lab girl
Am I doubting most lab girls look this good?
                Well this is going to be a pretty heavy post but I feel like it is something that has to be done before I go on. After the BB cream post, a few questions popped up about what to look for when you are looking for a “good” moisturizer. I am not going to address any anti-aging really because that would take me the next month of Sundays, with all the different types and new and better types coming out all the time. This is just the rule of thumb for basic moisturizing and skincare; things to look for in your anti-aging products.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Looks I am Loving: Dick Page for Michael Kors Fall 2012

Backstage Beauty: Michael Kors Fall 2012 |
Rosy prettiness!
So I am going to talk about this even though it’s a bit old. Gasp! It’s from last season! I do really like it and now that I have a blog I can talk about it. They showed it at a recent Shiseido school and I remembered how much I loved it. If you haven’t guessed yet Dick Page is my makeup artistry hero. And it feels appropriate now that the weather has gone frigid and our cheeks have taken on a naturally rosy glow. Nothing perks me up like a good dose of blush.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

How to: Apply Nail Polish (+ SS 2013)

Nude mani @ Rag & Bone SS 2013
From Rag & Bone SS 2013 (same show as I have pictures from on my BB cream post)
I stole this picture from a great Aussie site that has pictures of most of the nails coming down the SS 2013 runway

So I was looking at a bunch of pictures coming off the runways and I came to three conclusions: a) designers are really nutty b) nail art is still going strong and c) that it is high up keep nail season. Not only is there crazy nail art, but also a lot of pastels and whites which are always high maintenance even if they are seemingly not. The problem with whites (and pastels) is that the formulas are generally thick, they require several coats, and show flaws easily. Funky nails also draw attention to the flaky, lizard hands that Canadians have a tendency to get in the winter time, and we are too impatient to wait until July to wear the spring trends. So dig out your hand cream, cuticle balm and buffing sticks. Here is some inspiration from the SS 2013 shows:

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

What is (Actually) a BB Cream?

Rag & Bone Spring/Summer 2013 (All Revlon!)

So I am sick of answering this question. If only there was a way to answer this question and tell the world all at once. There is… or at least for the four people currently reading my blog. Well at least four less people will ask me.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Looks I am Loving: Jessa from HBO’s Girls

Jessa from girls  bareface + red lip
Jessa bold lip + barely and eye = Awesome

Yes I am not the first person to be raving about this show. It’s a bit much in the sex department for my taste but one thing that has gotten my attention is the makeup. If it is supposed to be a real depiction of women, they are doing a fairly good job, most people don’t wear gobs of makeup. But their characters wear barely any! It is sort of refreshing in a way to see women looking good with just hints of it.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Why I wear Sunscreen everyday

sun down by michael david adams
Fabulous sun protecting hat but don`t forget your décolletage!
If you have yet to hear everyone yammer on about how important sunscreen is I will now add to the chorus. Born with carrot top orange hair (now blond thank goodness), I possess that sort of ghostly pallor that make tanning bed worshippers quake with terror. And no I don’t want to spray tan. I think fair skin, like any other skin when well looked after, is classy and beautiful.  Every makeup artist on the planet seems to want to pile on a small truckload of bronzer on me despite the fact that I basically don’t tan ever, naturally. With the red-head skin, I turn a delightful shade of lobster and then peel back to albino, sun damage irrevocably done. So I am easy to sway on the fact that sunscreen is probably a good idea.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

How to: Apply Lipstick like a Hollywood Maven

Lauren Bacall, 1944
Lauren Bacall rocking a red lip

                I love lipstick; probably more than is reasonable or rational. It comes in so many different ways and colours and nothing makes me feel like I have myself more together. I think a lot of women are missing out on the fabulousness that is lipstick because they are afraid of it. They blow it out of proportion, into something that is beyond them. This seems to come around a lot at Christmas when everyone out of the blue seems to want to wear lipstick because they think they should but they are lost lambs in a world filled with lip gloss. Lipstick, even applying it in great detail like I have explained here is way easier than any smoky eye I have ever heard of. ­­­­­In the world of makeup, anything goes so don’t be afraid to be wrong, it always washes off. I guess you could go and watch some chirpy, peppy, skinny internet girl do her lipstick but I will offer up my methods of application in hopes that women everywhere will go confidently forth with lipstick:


I am about the bazillionth person to set up a beauty blog, I know. Just what the internet always needed.
I a humble slave beauty girl, working at your local drug store, on the front lines of the beauty madness. Call me a supreme beauty skeptic. I go to the beauty “schools” every season for each company to see the new launches, the latest and greatest, which usually… not so much. It is comical really, each trainer trying to convince a whole room of women who have tried everything, and then some that this new product they hold in their hands is the fabulous thing that everyone has always needed. If it truly is, I will know pretty quickly from someone if it doesn’t. Or they will send me home with swag, in attempt to sway my vote and it actually is (shock! That is maybe one out of ten).